Friday, July 31, 2009

I struck gold! With a toilet.

Yes, I know. How terribly exciting, a blog about a toilet. What you need to know is that I always find the best price on home improvement stuff. I buy generic, I buy from China and I am allll over eBay. Well I spent hours looking for a smaller toilet (from front to back) because in the old powder room you had to pee side saddle. No joke. A large man could not fit his legs in front because the wall was too close. So I found this Rialto toilet from Kohler that was 25 inches from front to back. And it was silly expensive, but it was the only one I could find. So hubby and I went over to the Kitchen and Bath showroom here in Beaumont prepared to slap down $300+ on this ugly toilet. But....

We found this instead!!! For less than $100. The man at the Kitchen and Bath showroom was so helpful. This toilet is also 25" front to back. It is a Vortens Vienna toilet with a round bowl. I am so happy. About a toilet!! I need to get a life...
Have a great weekend!!

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