There are 2 things that scare me about home renovations: plumbing and electrical work. I don't want to burn my house down because I crossed the wrong wire. I also don't want to find myself five inches deep in doo doo because we forgot to tighten a bolt on the toilet.
Although we feel confident in small projects like changing light fixtures, etc. we usually hire out the more sophisticated projects like recessed lighting or running new electric. That was until the bids started rolling in for the living room project...
So it became a DIY thing. When hubby told me he was going to tackle it with the help of his mom, I was not so supportive. In fact, I refused to participate... with the exception of making design decisions. So now here we are, and my hubby, lawyer and contractor extraordinaire is actually doing it! I am so impressed. Pictures may not look like much but soon there will be
LIGHT. I am trying to remain calm about the holes in our ceiling.

"We are going to have to cut some small holes in the sheet rock"

Indeed. Small holes ... in large quantities.


The most accurate stud finder ever.

NOT. Tee hee. I don't think you are going to fit a can up there!

That's for you hubby

The aliens are coming
The end. For now. Hopefully soon I can post the finished pics : )